simple truths.... eternal consequences

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

[dedicated to all the people about to have exams or are already in the midst of them]

Enter the examination hall without any idea on what is the criteria or subject being tested is equivalent to running onto the battlefield without a rifle.

Exams can be said to be a constant in a student's life. It is an annual ordeal, but even more importantly, we must understand that it is allowed by God. Thus the question to ask is why are we being examined, and what are we being examined about.

An examination is a test to see if we have acquired a certain level of proficiency in something. Thus the purpose of an examination is always to act as a gauge, both used by God and by man. (Meaning that the purpose is similiar, but the standard of gauging may differ)

Already answering why we are being examined, now we need to answer what are we being examined on. We need to know what we are tested upon in order to pass, hence this is the important point. Schools examine our knowledge, God test our character. (I hate to use the word test as it seems to be an understated expression regarding the importance of passing the assessment, but people are often more familiar with God testing us so... oh well) Understand this, God's main aim is not out to make us smarter. After all, as i said before, knowledge of this world is of no value. In fact, we are merely discovering what God has concluded. He made the world. If He's so obsessed about us learning how it works, He would have gave us a textbook, not a bible. Besides if God wanted to use exams to test our level of intellect, He would be practising favoritism with those that He created with higher aptitude for learning.

God uses exams to bring out to light our true characters. He's testing us in discipline, diligence, perseverance. If we cannot even be disciplined to study for an exam which is the basic responsibility of a student, how can we be disciplined to shepherd our sheep? If we cannot even study diligently, how will we be to serve Him diligently? Our character is reflected off simple things such as these.

Get this straight: This isn't an examination on intellect, this is an examination on character.

Our examination hall isn't the school hall, its our daily life.
Our exam duration isn't the 2 hours, its the months leading to the examination.
Our exam doesn't end when the time's up for writing, our exam ends when the time's up for prepartion.
Our pass isn't in our marks, its how we fared in the eyes of The Almighty.
He's not asking for top grades, He asked for top character.
Just do your best, for by doing that, you have already passed His test.

Hope I helped re-focused somethings here.


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