simple truths.... eternal consequences

Saturday, July 29, 2006

[love, life and whatever's left of common sense] updated & edited on 30/7, 0107hrs

1231hrs: This obviously is what that has been swirling in my mine the past whole week.

Life is basically a long wait.
Physically, we are waiting to die.
Emotionally, we are waiting for the right time to fall in love.
Spiritually, we are waiting for Jesus to come back.

Its all about waiting. The good news is, having the characteristic of patience can make life much easier for you. The bad new is its not enough... most of the times.
So, what's in it for us? Well, we have a several approach to this revelation. We all must do something meanwhile waiting...

Firstly, we can take the stone's approach, and i do literally mean the stone approach. Just stone. Be part of the scenery, fail nothing, accomplish nothing.
For these kind of people all i got to say is... i rather Everest.
Otherwise, we can take the animal approach. (most people fall into this unknowingly) They float around, following the flow of life. Eat, sleep, reproduce and die. Hence the name, the animal approach. Frankly, i rather a dog that's loyal at least.
Last but not least, we have the christian approach. Active waiting as shirley calls it. Do something that counts while waiting. Bless people with your presence, grow in person character, bring people to Christ. These will be remembered in eternity, the rest will be forgotten. How much will you be remembered in eternity?

Disclaimer: My dig at complexity. My dig at myself. You don't have to agree.

Complexity is the devil's distraction. The world has elevated the pursuit of logic into an art form. Its like chasing the flower's scent instead of chasing the flower. We lost ourselves in the meaningless discussions about theories.
People are more interested about studying about God then doing His work. Perhaps, talking IS already considered work for them. Dont get me wrong, I'm not undermining bible scholars. I'm happy they provide us with better insight into the scriptures, but isnt it time we major on the major?! The fact of life is Christ is lord! Its not how old are the Mosaic books, when is Christ returning or even how is the Holy Trinity possible. Frankly, i doubt the disciples even bothered about that. They just took the Word of God to be T.H.E. WORD OF GOD and did it.

Are we not superior in knowledge to them? Yet it seems like those 12 jokers have done more then the 12,000 knowledgeable scholars we have. The irony is that knowledge was originally meant to equip us for greater works, not for comparsion of brain power. Anyway, I am neither proud of my results nor of whatever extra information which the world might consider to be "knowledge". Not that I claim to be extra humble, but this is just being objective (perhaps its also the rare exercising of common sense). Did the world not conclude the world is flat a few centuries ago? People acknowledged that the sun revolved around the earth and electricity current flowed from positive to negative. Now they say otherwise. If you had aced the exams of the past centuries, regurgitating their script answers may not be the wisest thing to do now. Presently, i may be filled with a wealth of knowledge, in future we might just realize that knowledge is junk. Hence why overly pursuit the knowledge of the world, let's pursue God instead.

Following God is like a line. There is a the straight approach and the curved approach. Straight will be simply trust and obey, for there's no other way. The curved approach is what commonly done by logicalizing God (As though we could be successful in our attempts). We try to seek the easier way to get to him, hoping to avoid more obstacles as we take the curved path out just as the way water follows the route of least resistance. Do do that, and we get surprised at the increased amount of obstacles in our way. Is there any wonder? The shortest route is a straight line...the exercising of common sense once again.

Even other people may have believed in the wrong gods yet they trusted their lives in it. We have the One true God yet we hesistate to do so? (someone explain to me the logic here) No wonder God wanted child-liked innocence. Its no surprise that statistics showed that 1% of Americans converted above 18 years old. In other words, 99% converted as youths. Not that youths are easier to con, but they are more ready to trust. That is why i believe youth ministry is the way to go. This isnt an issue of biasness because im in youth, this is common sense! You invest into the most productive plant!

About useless knowledge:
always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth
[2 Tim 3:7]

nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. These promote controversies rather than God's work--which is by faith.
[1 Tim 1:4]

Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to your care. Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge
[1 Tim 6:20]

About word games:
Keep reminding them of these things. Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen.
[2 Tim 2:14]

For those people obsessed with Da Vinci Code and such pursuit of biblical knowledge, here's a thought. Expecting a non-believer to read Da Vinci Code and fall away from Christ even more is equivalent of asking him to read the bible and convert. He doesnt even know whats are the implications of the suggestions in the book! Stop getting overly obsessed with apologetics and start preaching the gospel. Shut up and start working.

0148hrs: Impatience and Complexity is not a good mix.


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