simple truths.... eternal consequences

Sunday, August 27, 2006

[the unlovable part of love]

One of the absolutes in life: Humans all know how to love someone.

Ranging from the cruelest autocratic dictator to the kindest human rights activist, we all love someone. Take note of the precise words i used. Someone. Meaning it always has to be a person. In fact, its usually the same person. The person need not be perfect, nor clever, nor good looking. The person may be sinful, unlovable and may be described with all the detestable vocabulary in the world yet we never have any qualms on loving the person. In fact, we may even find it easy to love.

That person is ourselves.

By default, we are all programmed to love ourselves. The fact is that, none of us actually loves the world for itself. We love the world because of what it can provide for us. Money, power, worldy relationship etc. No one loves money, but they love what money can do for them. They love having the ability to splurge on the lastest fashion to look good or gain public envy by buying the niftest gadgets. If one was to love money for the sake of money, he would gladly sell all his limbs for all the money in the world. No, the truth is that we all love money because we love ourselves first. Same thing goes with power. Will you want all the power and authority in the world if I only give you 5 days to live?

Relationships has a slightly more tricky link. I obviously mean the worldly ones. (And maybe some not so biblical ones as well) Well, we claim we love the other party right? Well, the problem? Its not fully unconditional. We all love them in order to exchange something in return. We are merely trading non-monetary actions for non-monetary wages. Maybe a kiss for 5 mins of the other party's time, or a listening ear now in exchange for a everlasting support?

Frankly, I'm disgusted with the way I'm looking at relationships, but at least here's an attempt to evaluate things honestly. Basically, most people go into relationships thinking what they can get out of it instead of what they can provide to the other party. I think thats biggest difference between Christ-centered relationships and self-centered relationships.
(gosh, I just got enlightened myself while typing this. haha.)

So whats the solution? Love someone else more then you love yourself. By doing that, you will make his priority your priority, his business your business, his passion your passion. By then his object of love will eventually become your object of love.

I don't think I need to tell you who to love.

Common sense is not so common after all


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