simple truths.... eternal consequences

Sunday, July 23, 2006

[I found the way to pay God back]

(Luke 7:36-50)
Today's sermon set me thinking. So exactly how much denarii do we exactly owe Jesus? 50? 500? 5000? Well.. lets say five million. Its definetely out of most of our reach. According to shirley, that must have been many years' worth of wages. But what about people like Bill Gates? He can surely pay of that amount. Not all are as rich as him, but there are people like that, and if heaven's ticket can be bought, bill gates and donald trump will probably be the first in the queue. So what's the point of me saying this? Well, I am just trying to figure out how exactly to pay God back, and this is just part of my analyse.

First and foremost, to pay back something means you have to first borrow or recieve something from the person causing you be in debt to the person. You do not pay back a beggar a car, you simply give him one. Something must be given to be returned. There was an transaction that was carried out involving you, towards you. So what did God give us? His Son. More specifically, His Son's life.

So, here comes the hard part. You have to return what you owe. You owe him a life. Your life. How are you going to go about doing it? Commit sucide? Martyr for Him? Hang on, its not that easy. ( you people are probably thinking what else can there be after giving your life?!?) He doesn't just want any life! He wants life that is totally devoted to carry out His purpose for 33.5 years. Obeying His every command and instruction in every single breathe. A second of disobedience equates to total rebellion. Wait, there's still somemore. He wants a life that is sinless for 33.5 years. Haha. Most of us struggle to be sinless for ONE day. He wants 12227 SINLESS days. (Take note I have not even included the extra days in the leap years) Finally, it must be returned the way it was paid. You don't return 100 rupiah to a person that you owe 100 sing. Similarly, the life that is going to be returned must be taken back the same way, through the cross. Yup, thats the whole process.
So, any takers?

Double Post

[Forgiveness. Our greatest need?]
As much as I hope that we all get to understand this point, it still holds true that those that make more mistakes in life and are desperate for forgiveness will treasure this gift more then the others.

We are normally able to make amendments on our part for our mistakes. Building destroyed can be reconstructed. Physical injuries can heal. Failure of tasks can be re-evaluated to give success. Cash can fix most things, as long as the amount is sufficient.

What about disappointment? How do we act to redeem ourselves? Have you disappointed your loved ones before? Have you hurted someone so badly you wished you can do anything to turn back the hands of time? Have you failed your best friend before? Have you destroyed someone's life before? It is moments like this we would give anything to correct our mistakes. Yet, wounds to the heart cannot be healed by external means. It is in such times where our guilt overtakes us. No money can buy us out of this, and no action can reverse the irrepairable damage. And the worst thing is that we cannot do anything on our part to aid recovery, we can only stand by and watch. The sense of total helplessness just overwhelms you.

And you know what?
We all disappointed the person that loved us the most. God.

It is in times like these, forgiveness is most valuable to you. Without it, your condemned with guilt. You have to live with the memory of the hurt you inflicted. You can tell Him you're sorry a thousand times, but it won't take away the pain you've caused Him.
You can't pardon yourself, only He can, and He did.
Thank God...


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