simple truths.... eternal consequences

Friday, August 08, 2003

yo... okay. i know im kinda lag.. but then yeah... the fasting ended liao.. so u pple can expect to see me online more often... as compared to the past 3 weeks... anyway.. just came back from a combine Cg today with eva and michelle
today had CB 2,3,4 combining.. haha. first time combined with them... was kinda weird.. but it went well lah.. we played captain's ball together! (its a unisex game!) yeah... it was fun man.. everyone enjoyed themselves haha.. its was fun.. samuel joined us too man! yay!! he's connected man!! so happy.....
After that we had worship.. guess wad's the songs? yep.. One desire is one of them.. the second is Great is the lord.. WAIT!!!!! i know wad u pple going to say.. its i choose one right? i know.. no doubt its my fav song... *duh* but then.. well.. just happen that the song was used loh.. realli not i keep choosing one.. realli!!!! i always try not to play it loh.. during cg or whenever.. realli.. coz i scared i might have a tendency to play becoz its my fav song.. so i purposely dun play.. but its just so happens that everytime when its my turn to play the guit.. which is a long time.. and then it had been a long time since we last play the song.. then we decided to play it loh..
*meekly* realli not i choose one........ anyway.. wanna affirm my worship leader today... which is... ......... Eva ! yeah... its the second time that we co-operate liao.. haha.. she's nervous as usual.. but overcome it in the end.. but no.. thats not wad i wanna affirm about.... coz tell a mini-story lah.. before the worship.. she was kinda having a problem with her stomach and intestines.. keep going to toilet.. stomach ache.. etc etc.. yeah.. becoz of fasting lah.. then me and ethan wasted lotsa saliva to convince her to eat. coz she was like so skinny.. i thot she was going to faint while playing captain's ball... then still liddat.. but glad to say she persevered.. didnt eat anything in the end.. but drank a bit milo to prevent her stomach from giving her more problems.. but i must say that i got lotsa things to learn from her... especially abstinence from food even in this time.. yeah.. i know.. always balance between temple of God and fasting.. but i guess if i was her.. i would have eaten...... haha.. guy's normal reaction...
yeah.. anyway.. tonight's confirmation.. lets do it guys.. lets build a cg in tchs.. i seen His power too much not to trust in Him... Cb4 shall win Tchs for God! Amen!

-I may not be a gentleman yet.... but at least im trying my best-


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