simple truths.... eternal consequences

Saturday, July 19, 2003

-Day 6 fasting Msn and Icq-

I'll just skip to the main point today! Too Xcited! we Got 3 more tchs guy join y-hope! yoohoo!!! haha man!!! shirls right! nv rain but pours!!!
yeah okay. back to normal mood... we had a great service today man.. (or was it becoz i had converts) *winkz* but nv the less... i tell u arh... the short film was cool man.. it had ruth, david, cassian, and the drummer guy. davin? yeah.. they acted in it... was a kinda betrayal type of movie which i can identify in my life. haha.. saw ruth holding hands with davin man.. i realli almost laugh out loud.. but i had to control lah..... if not.. i spoil the atmosphere.. yep! then today at altar call... i actualli felt my heart beating faster then usual! haha.. realli excited to see them wanna join us.. Ruisi helped me too.. wanna take this chance to thank her..
< Thanks ruisi!!! Realli appreciated it tons!!!>

uh huh... and after that we had unit outing.. was playing cs and wc3... eva and michelle joined us.. (surprised) haha.. those pple are realli good core team members man.. can tell they probably didnt enjoy it as much as us.. but yet they decided to join in..... haha.. will make effort next time to do "their stuff" hope its not barbie dolls....

And pple? i got something to announce...
I GOT MY BASS!!!!! yeah man!! finally!! haha.. but i cant play coz i dun have this particular cable connection *anti-climax* but then arh. i going to get it tmr.. haha... yeah.. then going to practise.. hope can join music team after Os man! Form band next time when grow up.. *grinz* haha.. carrying it back was a torture.. as most of u know.. i live on a hill.. so when i reached home. i had to carry the bass over the hill.. a 15 mins walk.. wah.. can kill man.. thank God i manage to survive.. the bass wasnt light u know.. but it was good exercise anyway... =p

Anyway.. wanna share something i learn in this service.....
"Forgiveness is a gift which God gave us 2000+ years ago even though we didnt deserve it"


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