simple truths.... eternal consequences

Saturday, August 02, 2003

-Day 20 fasting Msn and Icq-

Man... just finished practising bass... haha. something more fruitful then always logging on to msn and icq.. haha. fasting almost over.. no problem man!! hee... still doing well...
wow.. gotta say that today's service is so realli cool man... many song presentations.. and nice preaching by Ps jeff.. learnt lotsa bout worship.. then even more after that during CLM.... realli got to have a better and deeper worship experience and relationship with God.. yeah man!! ... consider that fruitful since we didnt have any converts today.. we hit Goal... but no converts.. nvm! Samuel was great man! he bought down two tchs guys by himself! wow.. cool right? haha.. he first time did sharing.. not bad! he's opening up man.. quite chatty liao.. hahha..
thats goot.. beri goot... beri beri goot!
[Bing Quan.. u reading this?] *evil grinz*
yeap... then after that sit taxi back .. came home quite early.. had time to practise some bass.. man.. the bass is cool loh today.. i wanna play in future.. and David's white bass... its nice man!!! dunno why ethan say black one nicer.. nvm.. different taste lah.. =P yep....
oh yeah..... celebrated Ben's, matthew's Yun Kai, Philbert's and Teck Sin's bday today.. all august babys... with one small thousand layer cake... (trust CB pple to be so cost effective) one s.m.a.l.l cake to F-I-V-E pple...... haha.... CB buncha poor guys and gals lah.... cant help it.. nvm... we are Rich in God! =D yeah! ok ok.. stop typing now.. fingers aching from bass practise.. the exercises are realli killer man.. matt would understand how i feel...... if he got practise.. haha.. looking forward to the next one.. dunno when also. haha.

-Worship........... In spirit & In truth-


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