simple truths.... eternal consequences

Sunday, July 27, 2003

-Day 14 fasting Msn and Icq-

man.. its already 2/3 of the fast man.. hahaha.. today had a rather uneventful day... i basically woke up, practice bass, eat and then sleep, then woke up, practise bass and then went for tuition.. hahaha... hiaz. kinda slack lah.. yeap... then had some bible questions.. ask shirley... well.. instead of her giving me the answers, she gave me more questions.. in aid of helping me find the answer..haha =P talk bout irony...
today found out that my sister took a picture of me on her 7250.. man.. i look super retarded... realli doesnt look like me.. ( may look as bad as the cl comm photo ) haha.. guess im not up for the modeling job man... =p.. talk bout career.. i still dun have a single idea on wad i wanna be when i grow up man.. feel like being a musician... but im sure my parents will have lotsa things on their mind bout that... anyway.. yeah..

Btw.. CB4 had 2 converts this week! Praise God! one is Yan zhi, the other is daniel (hm.. i thot we had two daniels already?) haha anyway... yeah man.. raphael brought them in... Great Work man! he's the super evaxer in our group... haha... Pray that they will be retained... anyway. yesterdays svc was kinda a blur to me.. i suddenly had so many things up my agenda that until dinner time.. i had to ask my group wad happened man... i couldnt catch up... too fast man...
i had samuel parents coming, street evax coming, daniel and his fren coming, and the whole cb4 kinda scattered.. man.. am i confused.. to tell u the truth, till now i haven got everything figured out.. but i sure hope that Sam's parents enjoyed our svc... slightly over energetic for them.. but nv the less. hope they enjoyed it. yeah... Samuel's a reali good Great Grand Sheep.... [man..4th gen already!] yeah.. he's realli enthu man.. hope he's will continue to stay on and grow well..
yeah.. looking forward to tmr's Cg404 meeting man. hope i dun kena sabotaged again and hafta sing some song and some actions in from of Axis again.. haha....

-Win TC for Jc!-


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