simple truths.... eternal consequences

Sunday, December 17, 2006

[The sole question]

Not so long ago, there was much hype about this particular question. Perhaps some of you may have heard it before, some of you may not. It evokes much thought for anyone whom even attempts to find an honest answer to it. The question is the one and only -

"What is close to your heart?"

Some may have answers to the question almost immediately, some may choose to go home to ponder and reflect. Eventually, those that persevere on and choose not to give up will come out with some sort of an answer. However, how accurate the answers are will depend on our personal understanding of ourselves. Also, humans have a way of dismissing something they do not want to be associated with. It may be explained away as a form of confirmatory biasness. Thus the answers we found, may only be the answers we wish to find.

Hence I observed a trend that may help in pinpointing what is truly close to our heart. Basically, this protocol is based on the human emotions. As we all know, human emotions tend to be a bit unfathomable at times, thus this is not advice from an expert, but some guidelines that hopefully may help us in the search for the question's answer.

What makes you laugh? What makes you so joyful you felt that time passed too fast for that moment? What was the moment that will paint a smile across your face when you reminisce about it? Was it the time your favourite soccer team fought back from ashes? Your first date? Your friends giving you a surprise? Your ace-d result slip? That is what's close to your heart.

What makes you cry? What makes you sob so hard you could not recognize yourself with your teary face? What makes you so sad that you were on the brink of losing self control? What makes you stay awake all those sleepless nights? What makes you lose your sense of yourself? Was it your failures? Your broken relationships? The death of your beloved? That is what's close to your heart.

The incidents in which we display our extreme emotions of joy, sorrow and anger tend contain things that we hold dearest in our hearts. The truth is, none of us can hide what is close to our heart. It is always on display, just that whether anyone is around to notice the display is a different matter.
Just before I end off, I would like to leave you people with a passing thought.

What is closest to God's heart?


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