simple truths.... eternal consequences

Sunday, November 19, 2006

[Zach's (weird) take on God's love]

Well. I realized that I experience God's love daily. However unlike the norm, I do not experience it in the form of blessings that He showers on His loved ones. Not that I lack blessings or what, but it hit me most that I am blessed with many little (quite an understatement) escapes from the Almighty's wrath. If God's middle name was 'Zeus', my middle name would have been changed to 'charred'.

We all have our fair shares of mistakes and screwed up. Often when I failed, I think to myself "This is it. Lightning is going to descend from heaven any moment now. God may be merciful but this is surely the limit. That was one step too far, one sin too many." Yet it amazes me that I still live to see the sunrise the next day. Exactly just how patient is He?!

Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
(Lamentations 3:22-23)

God have every right to give us what we deserve, yet He writes them off at the expense of His own son. That is what truly amazes me.


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