simple truths.... eternal consequences

Thursday, May 11, 2006


The Preparation
hahah... man! i tell u guys wad happened k? as some of u people might know.. im OOT-ed... meaning im out of training lah.. so now im just running errands and doing all the crap stuff for any commanders that order the OOTers arnd... eg. clean toilet, scrub the floor, man the telephone, transport food and etc... so wad happened was that my BMT is a total of 9 weeks coz im in the direct enchanced batch which is the fittest lah, so the BMT is the shortest period. so i got injured and yeah... im out of training. so i hafta wait to get posted out... either be a clerk, a storeman.... small fry in some area lah basically. (u cant get an injured man to do much anyway) as i dun reli like the army life, i was hoping to get posted out asap... ... i kept praying to God.... why am i still here when im of no more used alr? i learnt the lessons i need to learn in army alr... so wad else now? post me out quickly so i can do my ministry...

and that was my prayer daily. i asked God for
1) slack posting
2) 9 to 5 job
3)near my house
4)can book out daily
5)i want a fast posting. (normally takes 5 weeks of waiting, the shortest was at least 3 weeks)

lotsa criterias right? but i believe God can do it. we must pray specifically...
and i persisted in this prayer... after all elijah prayed for 7 time before rain came.... and God said that even the judge that doesnt fear man or God answered the woman's request for justice becoz she persisted.. so i did.. i prayed everyday.. every moment.. asked my whole bunk to pray for me.. ask my dmm... my shepherd... my frens.. haha.. and i didnt ask once onli.. if u know quite forceful when i want something so i keep asking them to pray everytime i see them or something.....

Day Of Revelation
then, THAT day came...
i was in the office maning the phone. (one of the best jobs u can possibly have as an OOT. its slack, and in aircon and can read book) i was reading this book about faith and prayer. it said something that prayer called upon the power of God, but however its not that we can manipulate God thru prayer for selfish reasons.
but when we

"obey the law of the power and the power obeys you. conform to the laws and modes of the spirit's operation, an in the work of God's hands you may command the spirit's power"
-A.T. Pierson

'The ear of God shall listen, and the hand of God shall yield to your will. God bid u cry,"Thy will be done, and your will shall be done," When you can plead His promise, then you will is His will.'
-Charles Spurgeon

thats wad the whole thing is all about... prayer is asking for God to work.. but not for our selfish reasons, but for His reasons. when we walk right with God, the things we want to do will naturally be the things He Wants to do.

i guess i had to humbly admit to myself the selfish reasons why i want out. mix motives are in me. yes, i want to get out and do my ministry, but at the same time, its also coz i dun enjoy my life inside. and to be honest, that motive takes up a bigger percentage of my reason as i dun believe i wuld have been praying so persistently if not for the fact i detest that place.

As a result. i surrendered my will to His. i prayed in the office to Him. i told Him

"i give up. u take control. u give me the best posting, you give me the best working hours, the best ur best timing. You decide wad's considered best for me. Amen."

not soon after, one of my commanders came in.. he saw wad i was reading. so we started chatting about christianity and stuff. found out that he was a devout christian that fell away. immediately i knew... this is the reason why im here. we started engaging in a christian discussion. talked about how the christianity has diluted. how he lost faith in the systems of man in handling the things of God.. imperfect churchs and stuff... that eventually he lost faith in the whole religion. He confessed... he realli want to know the true God... but he needs to find out himself. not thru other people telling him that jesus is God repeatatively or something. but he wants to acknowledge it on his own. and i pray he does. my heart is burning to help him with it. coz i believe (this kinda of people are like paul) when they get it.... they will go all out for Him. He wil be convicted not becoz he merely know about God.. but becoz he finally KNOW God personally.

haha. after that whole thing, i reflected back to myself.
so this is the reason why You placed me here. thanks for letting me have a part in this. even if u want me to stay back a few more weeks to help this guy... im willing. =)

Gates of blessing opened
and then the next day. i fell sick, the doctore gave me MC for two days. meaning now i got 5day on leave. and guess wad.

not onli that.......this is the best part the post i got was..

1) in 2 weeks! shortest time period! (dun forget minimum is 3wks)
2) im the ONLY one who got it. (even those that oot 5 weeks ago havent got it!) not that im sadistic or wad... but this goes to show that God reali favors me! out of 9 people..... im the 1st to get posted out! even though there was FIVE other people that OOT 2-3 weeks before me

what can i still say? i was talking to rayson and daniel. this is clear that its God's hand.
Rayson: "yeah, i believe so too"
Daniel: "Defintely"

its SOOOOOOOOOOOO clear! i cant deny it.. its just... like .. opening of Red Sea to me. how to explain? though out this whole incident, the person whose faith got increase the most is not rayson, not daniel.. but myself. Thanks God.

btw, im not a talker onli, i do have follow up actions. about the guy i talk about. im going to buy him a book. and invite him to our service. pls pray together with me. =)


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