simple truths.... eternal consequences

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

just woke up. haha. the life of a guy who is about to enter ns. anyway. survey-ing/evaxing was quite fruitful yesterday. daniel, me and yk went down to ffmss. everyone managed to gather contacts. haha.. daniel lead by example by gathering the most contacts. even taking on two at one time. haha. after that we went to the dover market to play soccer with some of them in hope to share christ to those ffmss pple playing as well after the game. haha.. im very happy with that game of soccer.. i managed to "riised" in a shot with the help of yk. he threw n i volleyed. credit to him for throwing perfectly to my feet. haha.

today is another day. will be going to shepherd jarvin later. one of the last few before i go into army.. gotta make sure its ultra fruitful. gosh. today is one of those lazy days u wake up and juz feel like slacking, not doing anything. suppose to go evax...... argh... the worse thing is that i got many valid reasons which i know are juz nice-sounding excuses for me not to go. juz called daniel up... and after a long chat, we both decided to go evax at sji at 4pm. hafta lead by example. besides, this is wad truly identifying with people mean right? struggling with both options yet choose to obey God. hiash... im human, but i want to obey God. give me strength to. Amen.

sianz man....


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