simple truths.... eternal consequences

Friday, March 31, 2006

hey. back. had a fruitful time today.. firstly, i went to acsi to hold cg. saw a interesting match where it was their acsi ib league.... the game was destined to end at a stalemate of 0-0 till this guy scored one in the dying mins.. basically the last kick of the game.. haha.. the atmosphere rocks... haha.. missed that kinda of competitive atmosphere... u can hear the crowd roar.. reli get ur adrenaline pumped up and cause u to go on some sort of high...

anyway... cg was quite fruitful.. short though... we thot about love.. hope that cb1 will become a caregroup that is so attractive becoz we all love one another. =) lam attended cg also even though he was soaked in the rain. kudos to him! after cg, i went to jarvin's house.. played one game of dota there.. wanted to leave for shepherding with daniel at orchard but they said they cooked my dinner alr.. haha. so ended up having dinner there.. loved the good, loved the atmosphere at the dinner table. havent had a family dinner in ages.. coz im always busy. =X ended up had to eat dinner with my sheep's family. haha.. hafta balance this area manx.

made my way to ps's tcc. had a 3 hr long shepherding with daniel. haha. informal. we exchanged lotsa values and pointers. had some changes in mindset and also some areas to change. after that we went to the new diner opposite the ps.. the one newly built at istana park. i tell u.. the ambience ROCKS. u pple need to go see it for urself. the cost is like fish & co. liddat. so should be quite okay.

yeap yeap. anyway. yesterday planned to evax at sji at 4pm with daniel but it started pouring so we watched ultraviolet with jinqi, shai, xiangyu and elise. haha.. its okie lah but the girls didnt appreciate the action. haha. anyway, i made up yesterday's portion with today. went to acsi to do survey. found this guy eating alone in the canteen... haha.. talked to him... was sowing on him not long ago.. played a 1v1 game of dota with him juz.=) yep yep..
saturday is coming.. cant wait.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

btw, pple who read. pls sign the guestbk to let me know u pple came k? ill try to set up a tag board meanwhile.

just woke up. haha. the life of a guy who is about to enter ns. anyway. survey-ing/evaxing was quite fruitful yesterday. daniel, me and yk went down to ffmss. everyone managed to gather contacts. haha.. daniel lead by example by gathering the most contacts. even taking on two at one time. haha. after that we went to the dover market to play soccer with some of them in hope to share christ to those ffmss pple playing as well after the game. haha.. im very happy with that game of soccer.. i managed to "riised" in a shot with the help of yk. he threw n i volleyed. credit to him for throwing perfectly to my feet. haha.

today is another day. will be going to shepherd jarvin later. one of the last few before i go into army.. gotta make sure its ultra fruitful. gosh. today is one of those lazy days u wake up and juz feel like slacking, not doing anything. suppose to go evax...... argh... the worse thing is that i got many valid reasons which i know are juz nice-sounding excuses for me not to go. juz called daniel up... and after a long chat, we both decided to go evax at sji at 4pm. hafta lead by example. besides, this is wad truly identifying with people mean right? struggling with both options yet choose to obey God. hiash... im human, but i want to obey God. give me strength to. Amen.

sianz man....

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

hey. finally backed at it. revival of my blog. haha. gotten the habit of journal-ing more recently so i guess some of it overspilled into this again i guess. haha. this blog is reli pictureless and designless. oh well, its the content that makes a difference. haha
just work up. later going to fairfield to evax with daniel and yk. haha.. so scary. but i did it yesterday. like wad shirley said, the starting is normally hard, but then after a while, u get a hang of it.... its quite natural. the hardest step is normally the first one. =) humans tend to get over fear with time. so yeap. something daniel said in the last seed meeting that i realli liked.


DON'T give urself anymore lame excuses. Human observation: we are very good at finding excuses to not do something that we reali dun want. haha.. very true for myself. sometimes, even though the reasons may be valid, but fundamentally... the cause we are working for is more important. we are saving God's people. Give me an excuse that is valid enough so that i can dont save u. can you?