simple truths.... eternal consequences

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

just got back home from HQ.. had shepherding with ethan.. and had some accounting to do... haha.. then after that we had some sheep and shepherd sports activity. played bball.. injured finger though... hahaha.... somehow or someway.. i got this verse running thru my head.. and i cant help but agree..

Romans 17:15-17
" I do not understand what i do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what i hate I do. And if i do what i do not want to do, i agree that the law is good. As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but its is the sin living in me."

Keeps me renewed daily for the battle in me more like Christ......

Saturday, October 18, 2003

man.. just came back frm svc... pastor ben preaching.. another chim one as usual took me some time to understand. but interesting nv the least.. haha.. today celebrated ethan's bday again.. had a cake which Bing Quan baked.. wah. i gotta affirm that guy man.. he's real persevering... he failed once.. took him 6 hours to bake the first cake.. he got condemn by his family too! but he had faith.. haha.. he tried again.. and this time.. 2 hours and a wonderful cake ! *woohoo!* BQ! u made the guys proud! guys can bake!

Haha.... then ben tried to smash the cake on ethan's face. but due to the nature of the butter cake, it cant stick onto ethan's face.. haha...
anyway.. me and ben had a plan while going home... haha.. combine CG is going to be SO MUCH more fun after exams.. *grinz* haha
anyway.. dun type so much.. yesterday played bball, badminton, soccer... and the previous day played squash and tennis, my arm is aching like mad now.. haha

Friday, October 10, 2003

at home.. sick. cough.. nothing much. but becoz in school got this virus that is in the air.. made many sick... (disadvantages of an air conditioned school) in one class alone... u count the number of the healthy pple.. not sick pple.... (7 pple left in class)
yeah... had to go home.. whoever is feeling unwell.. i had cough so i thot i better go home.... practising social responsiblity yah? haha.... i went home with this class mate... he was also sick... then he insisted on sitting a bus home.. so okay. i didnt stop him.. but he look realli pale.... at least i was walking behind him coz i had to carry my books home plus qian jin's books.... then he eventually slowed down and then i overtook him... sensing something wrong.... i instinctively ask him wad's the matter..the next thing i know.... he threw up in front of me..... twice.. thank God it was just water.. then had to faster help him hail a cab home.. man... i guess he realli is VERY sick...
yep... stoning at home now.. cant go HQ in fear of passing this to other pple who are taking exams..... this is boring........

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

argh.. just had a irritating day.. didnt go hq today. surprised many coz i guess i should stop going once in a while.. anyway.. i got back my prelims... i got 10 for L1R5..... thank God.. highly moderated.. so its realli nothing... i somehow topped the class for physics.. without actualli knowing how.. probably God had seriously gave me some extra wisdom due to the apparantly lack of brain matter... thank God again! =P but then again.. im the onli singaporean in my class to get a double digit for my L1R5...

im getting into ACJC.. but somehow my mum and my sister seems to be against it.. but heck them anyway.. im praying that i get into triple science stream... if i cant get into that.. go NJC or wadeva other better JC also sure cannot get into their triple science stream one.. dunno wad they thinking.. guess she just wants me to go in a highly reputatable JC.... something to do with "face" again in between the auntie society. duno wad's with them.....

Currently.. WWIII is happening at my house.. my sister broke up with her bf and my mum is desperately trying 2 get my sis to change her mind coz the bf is actualli her fren's son.... *face problem again* .. hiaz.. figured it wun last..... frankly speaking... i dun know how do any non-christians get married happily anyway?!? they dunno God, seek dependence from each other.. which obviously fails them (my sis is a living example) i sometimes seriously pity them... are they realli happily married i ask myself ..... well... i doubt my sister will be fulfilled unless she finds God... but so far with her cynical view and backslided relationship.. i doubt its going to be easy....