simple truths.... eternal consequences

Wednesday, July 02, 2003

man.... just came back home from school.. or should i say from hq..... *grinz*..
went to do survey at tchs with ethan.. first time... gotta say its not a bad experience.. didnt kena chased away.. thank God...
just kinda tired.. was competing with Ethan at soccer with the ps... kept losing to him.. still the last match.. france vs germany.. won 3-2... muahaha
anyway.. this blog is for me to do my Qt.. haha.. so i hope this can help me to be even more consistent.. anyway.. wanna express my thanks to Samantha ting whom helped me BIG time with this blog.. hee.. thanks gal... obviously.. im not verli blogger-type one.. anyway... gotta go bathe... lame later. =P


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